Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ulrica Tanker Hogt, Sweden

Blog Name: Ulrica Tanker Hogt
Meme: Scenic Sunday
Date:May 23, 2009
Subject:Drottninggatan (near Stockholm)

I live in the countryside just outside of Stockholm and it´s beautiful. But I really, really love the city to. This is Drottninggatan in the middle of Stockholm.

Thank you for showing us Sweden. I had been a part of Sweden through the people I was in contact with in the past. Am not sure where they are now. I hope they are still alive. It's the Ganesjo's Family. I used to call them Mom and Dad (Conrad and Margarita). I would like to reconnect with them. Their daughter's name is Cristina. But Cristina did not know me. Am not sure is her parents showed her my picture. In that time, I was very young then.

Would you like to give this a peek?


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