Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Undoing a Bad Dream by CES

Blog Name: Ces and Her Dishes
Subject: Dream
Date:July 7, 2009

CES: The mind is a very funny thing. It conjures visions and ideas that we try to comprehend and interpret according to our experiences. I am not well. I am in bed recovering from a very bad respiratory infection. I have been to the doctor and the prognosis is very good. But a dream and a comment from two very spiritual people made them stop and listen and tell me, sent me into a state of subdued hysterics (is there such a thing?), ah yes, I call it worry. I ended up with a breathing treatment to alleviate my shortness of breath as I was not getting oxygen from severe congestion. I was worried to go someplace I did not want to go.

Very thought provoking Dream. Sometimes in our state of illness, some weird thoughts do penetrate into our subconscious mind without us really knowing what their meanings are. Perhaps, it is due to a burning temperature that induces our brain to extract fluid of psychic thoughts to serve as 'premonition(?)' that something is going to happen?

My late mother used to tell us that our back, where our respiratory machine is attached has to be taken as equally as important like the other parts of our body.

So watch out that when you sweat, be sure, you do not let it dry on you back skin. Keep it warm all the time during cool days, and let it cool during hot days.

Respiratory sickness can also be due to physical exhaustion, when your body do not get enough rest. Sometimes it is triggered by worries itself. If not, climatic as well. The environment like dust, cigarette smoke, over exposure to aircon also aggravate its cause. Or it could have been due to some germs picked-up from an unknown source.

But worries are one of the primary culprits of all.

Common sense and logic drive me to write this blurb as I find your blog a good Mental Stimulant. It helps me think, think and think...

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