Friday, August 7, 2009

Under Every Full Moon by Terri

Blog Name: The Quote Garden Blog
Origin: Phoenix, Arizona USA
Date: July 11, 2009

Subject: Under every full moon

Dear Terri,

I finally found you here. I have more than 20 blogs which not all are active. But I have few which I manage to run in random activity.

"Under every full moon, my mind can be left stagnant in hebetude and no matter how I desire to write, words remained unwritten while smitten by the beauty of that mysterious bright yellow ball hovering in the sky."~LCDancel, August 7, 2009.

I sent you email but am not going to wait for you reply.

Instead, I would like you to visit my Congratulatory Tribute to your 11th Year celebration of your online Quote Gardening.

Thanks for giving me your kind permission to link your Quote website to my Adage, Maxim and Quote blog.

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